Our Energy



At Bali Eco Stay, we harness the natural power of our river through a hydroelectric generator to provide nearly 70% of the energy needed to run our eco-retreat, with the exception of our refrigeration systems. This system allows us to stay true to our commitment to sustainability by using a renewable resource right at our doorstep—the flow of water from our local river.




In simple terms, our hydroelectric generator captures the energy from the natural flow of the river. As water flows downstream, it passes through turbines that convert this kinetic energy into electricity. Since water flows continuously, we have a reliable source of renewable energy throughout the year. This eco-friendly method generates clean power without producing emissions, making it an integral part of our sustainability practices at Bali Eco Stay.



Utilizing hydroelectricity is crucial to reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing our reliance on fossil fuels. By tapping into the natural flow of the river, we ensure that most of our energy needs are met with minimal environmental impact. This not only supports our mission to protect Bali’s precious ecosystems but also helps us inspire others to adopt greener energy solutions.




Of course, we do have generators on standby in case something unpredictable happens (this is Bali after all). While we aim to be as self-sufficient as possible, it’s always good to have a backup plan—especially when island life decides to throw a curveball!




While our current hydroelectric system powers most of our sanctuary, we are actively working on expanding our energy storage capacity. This will allow us to store more energy and move closer to our ultimate goal of operating entirely off-grid. We believe in creating a future where our beautiful, eco-friendly resort is completely self-sufficient, and we are committed to making that vision a reality.