Original Human Movement is a movement to help modern people return to being human again. Taking us back to our roots to receive the nourishment we need to flourish. This is broken down into three main branches: movement, nutrition, and lifestyle. Moving, eating, and living in alignment with what has allowed us homo sapiens to survive for hundreds of thousands of years, is now a way for us to thrive.
For the majority of our time here on Earth, we’ve had to either run down our meat sources to exhaustion, or sprint away from becoming another animal’s meat source. We had to climb trees for honey, safe living spaces, or to get a better view. We had to get down to ground level to forage our greens, remain undetected, or stalk prey. We had to move for our food. So naturally, we moved how we ate, and ate how we moved. We had to walk, crawl, balance, run, jump, climb, lift, carry, throw, catch, and swim for all our resources. We had to fight for our lives, literally.
Today, we move a few fingers on a high-tech rock and can have food delivered straight to our temperature-controlled, artificially-lit cave. We outsource our hunting and gathering to grocery stores, our lives to television, and our tribes to social media. We’ve made big and comfy chairs, thick and stiff shoes, hard and flat floors, and wonder why we have poor posture, frequent injuries, and back pain. We’ve built right angles everywhere and wonder why we can’t think outside the box.
“We’ve built right angles everywhere and wonder
why we can’t think outside the box.”
We see this, and attempt to mitigate the damage of poor lifestyle choices through “fitnessing” (to our detriment). We lift things up and put them down, trudge endlessly on rat wheels, and exercise to “feel the burn.” Muscle isolation, chronic cardio, and meaningless movement. Forging strong links next to weak ones. Burning ourselves out through over-use and under-recovery. We say we have “bad hips,” “bad knees,” and “bad backs”. They’re not “bad”, our body is responding exactly as it should to the given stimuli. Want a different result? Change the stimulus.
Oh, you want to lose weight? Well then, be sure to portion control, take ALL the supplements, and “count those calories!”. If that doesn’t work try this magic pill or get a costly surgery, that should do the trick. Never mind just eating real food. Our ancestors are rolling over in their dirt piles. Why must we over-complicate everything? What ever happened to keeping it simple, stupid Superhero?
I know, simple isn’t always easy. Especially in modern times with modern conveniences. It’s not our fault.
We’re just doing exactly what we’re wired to do, just not in the environment that we’ve evolved to do it in.
There’s a difference between climbing a 60-foot tree for a bit of honey to share with the tribe once in a while, and walking a couple steps from the couch and downing 10x the amount of sugar diluted in water — or worse — not even getting up from the chair while driving up to a window for liquid “energy” that we chug all alone on the commute to work every day.
“We’re just doing exactly what we’re wired to do, just not in the environment that we’ve evolved to do it in.”
Clearly, our modern way of living is an evolutionary mismatch wreaking havoc on our health. We are not meant to be sick, weak, and disconnected. This is the result of a life unaligned. A life deficient in kinetic, edible, social, biophilic, and experiential nourishments that we require.
We need to remember who we are, where we’re from, and why we’re here. Original Human Movement is about aligning with our true selves in order to thrive as human beings.
…and this is exactly what we’re going to do in Bali this year. We’re moving BEYOND the yoga mat!
Let’s unlock our bodies, free our minds, and unleash our TRUE POTENTIAL!
– Nathan “Natural Nate” Amado
Founder of Original Human Movement (OHM)